An Important Guide On Filing Taxes Online

An agreement between a group of private companies that produce tax filing software,theĀ Free File Alliance, and the IRS has made it very easy to file your taxes. Even filing taxes online. The companies have availed their software to be used at absolutely no charge. This has resulted in over 40 million people turning to filing taxes electronically because of the ease and safety associated with this method. When you file your returns electronically, you also benefit from being able to receive your refund faster than those who have to go through a lot of paperwork.

In order to … Read more at 2009 Tax.

On What Day Will I Be Able To File My Taxes?

The IRS has set the date to open up their filing season, for year 2014, on January 31st. They encourage all taxpayers to take advantage of Free File, e-file, or TurboTax 2014, to get the quickest refunds of their 2014 taxes.

This opening date for filing tax returns for 2013 will give the IRS enough time to properly program and test their updated tax processing systems. There were substantial delays in their system back in October, immediately after they experienced that 16-day government shutdown.

The Acting Commissioner for the IRS, Mr. Danny Werfel, encouraged taxpayers with this … Read more at 2009 Tax.

IRS Free File Is Available To Many

IRS Free File Is Available To Many

In 2003 the IRS began a program to provide free e-filing options to US citizens that need to file tax returns. The program has been widely successful with over 20 different tax filing programs taking part and over 27 million tax returns filed with the program. Individuals wishing to take advantage of the program can select a tax preparation software package and file their return with the application. Or tax filers can use electronic versions of IRS forms and file directly with the IRS.

Just access the website and select a tax … Read more at 2009 Tax.