Save Yourself Money by Taking Advantage of TaxACT

Save Yourself Money by Taking Advantage of TaxACT

TaxACT is a great tax service that you should take advantage of. It does not require any download or purchase, simply sign in and answer some questions to have your taxes done for you. Not only will this save you the $30-$100 most tax companies will charge you, but TaxACT also uses the best up to date programs to ensure that you will get the largest refund possible.

Saving yourself the unnecessary fees other companies charged would not be worth the investment if the service you receive is not the best … Read more at 2009 Tax.

Wise Ideas about Taxes

Wise Ideas about Taxes

Many people normally like to skip filing tax returns and they ignore paying taxes. No wonder that it is quite a tedious process and might take people from days to weeks to complete the process. Some of the people even need to pay interest to the IRS. But this mistake is intentional on the part of anybody. It’s only a lack of proper tax preparation. In majority of the cases, these people rush at the final moment to file their returns. The most common reasons of why people get noticed by the IRS are lack of … Read more at 2009 Tax.

Donations to Haiti and their Tax Deductions

Donations to Haiti and their Tax Deductions

The IRS has new rules designed to assist those making donations to Haiti in a relief effort after their recent earth quake. Your 2010 donations can be deductible in 2009 if you follow the guidelines provided. First, your donations must be going directly to aid the Haitian people affected by the natural disaster.

There is a specific window of time that your donations must be made in to be eligible. The start date is the day we first heard about the earthquake, January 11th, and the final date is March 1, 2010. Additionally, … Read more at 2009 Tax.