Tax Carnival Ecstasy – November 29, 2012

We need to get this to the Fiscal Cliff! What ...

Welcome to the November 29, 2012 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we start with two articles from Bill Smith, a look at Eco Products That Are Tax Deductible and an article all about the Buffett Rule. Then there’s a post on the Fiscal Cliff and whether large corporations are immune by John Schmoll. Finally David de Souza examines Where Your Taxes Go. Hope you enjoy the material, bookmark, share, like on Facebook, tweet and follow the next edition of the carnival.

Shelby Martin presents 5 Reasons to Give Your Nanny a Year-End Review posted at … Read more at 2009 Tax.

The Hidden Extras of a Loan

On the surface, getting a loan should be a straightforward process, but there are so many factors that can affect the final price paid. Hence, looking for the cheapest loans takes time and effort.

The best deals available will be offered to those customers with a good credit profile, but even they can get lower rates of interest (and hence monthly payments) by taking out a secured loan rather than an unsecured loan.

Secured loans are available for larger amounts borrowed over longer periods and, although the rate of interest will be lower (due to the additional security for the … Read more at 2009 Tax.